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Quotes and Love Notes

Lovely words from dear friends and colleagues
“Janni has a green soul. Not only does she have a rare awareness of plants, their habitat and beauty but also the hands-on design and horticultural skills needed to implement her vision.

As an architecture team, we worked with her on the design for the landscaping and meditation garden of a Buddhist Temple on nine acres in Carmel Valley, California.
She brought her sense of the elements of water and fire into the design as well as restoring neglected landscaping with care, imagination and use of recycled materials.
We highly recommend her for gardens and landscape projects of any size."

~ Meredith Stricker & Thom Cowen ~ Visual Poetry Studio, Carmel, California, USA
“Janni Littlepage connects to the land with sensitivity, her loving heart and her great eye. She will create a sanctuary for you as she cultivates sacred space that will revive your soul.”
~ Elizabeth Murray ~ Artist, Keynote, Author, Monterey, California, USA

“Janni adds a touch of love and magic to every garden she creates.“
~ Deborah Kaye Lent ~ Interior Designer, Artist, Songwriter, Carmel, California, USA
“A garden is a sacred place we retreat to for quiet and healing, and Janni is a garden angel who can design and beautify anything she touches because of the care she puts into each project.
Beauty is Janni’s gift. I’ve been in several of the gardens she has designed and have personally seen the transformation before and after, and it is jaw-dropping.”  
~ Kiki Wow ~ Music Promoter, Singer-Songwriter, Carmel Valley, California, USA

“Janni Littlepage is nothing short of a garden whisperer, listening deeply to what is needed from each and every living thing, and then guiding the process until it comes to fruition in a creation you will enjoy for seasons to come.”

~ Vivien Cooper ~ Writer, Poet, Lyricist, Los Angeles, California, USA

“To hire Janni Littlepage as a designer is like asking a fairy to sprinkle her magic dust on your garden. She will surprise you with all of her aesthetic details beyond your imagination and focus on your garden as a center of peace."

~ Ann-Sofie Rørsgaard ~ Author, Lyricist, Copenhagen, Denmark
"A world star artist, both in composing music and designing gardens. If you're a lucky one and she visits your home, you will never want to let her go."
~ Maria Blom ~ Artist, Illustrator, Singer~Songwriter, Stockholm, Sweden
"In her magical garden, sun is dancing, people laughing, happiness embracing, love is growing all around”

~ Calle Karlsson ~ Singer-Songwriter, Varberg, Sweden (from the song, “Monterey”)
"Janni Littlepage is a very inspiring person with great talent on so many levels. She is wonderful to work with. Her love and knowledge of plants and gardens, and her deep contact with nature makes her very skilled when it comes to creating and designing beautiful gardens which breathe peace and beauty. I have had the good fortune to spend many hours in several of them, and can highly recommend her work.”
~ Eva Hillered ~ Artist, Songwriter Vocal & Songwriting Coach, Stockholm, Sweden
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